瓜.jpegSummer is the perfect time to explore fresh, healthy, and delightful meals. 随着气温上升,白天变长, we crave light and refreshing dishes that are both nutritious and satisfying.

At  主要的护理, we believe that food not only nourishes our bodies but can also bring people together and create memorable experiences. That's why we have put together this guide to help you discover delicious summer meals that will keep your taste buds happy without compromising on nutrition.

Schedule an appointment with 主要的护理 today to learn more about how we can support your health and wellness this summer!


如果你准备好改变你的夏季用餐体验, 继续往下读,你会发现我们最营养、最美味的食谱.


It's no secret that a healthy diet is essential for our overall health and well-being. However, summertime can bring unique challenges when it comes to maintaining good nutrition. 与烧烤, 户外聚会, 每个角落都有冰淇淋车, 人们很容易沉迷于不健康的选择.

But don't worry - enjoying delicious summer meals doesn't have to mean sacrificing your health goals. 事实上, incorporating nutritious ingredients into your dishes can actually enhance the flavor and provide a range of health benefits. 


  • 保持精力充沛: Summer activities like swimming, hiking, and beach volleyball require a lot of energy. Eating nutrient-dense foods will help you sustain your energy levels throughout the day.
  • 增强免疫系统: Fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that support a healthy immune system. This is especially important during the summer when we're more exposed to germs and bacteria.
  • 保持健康的体重: 与 all the tempting treats available during summertime, it's easy to consume excess calories. 通过选择更健康的食物, you can satisfy your cravings while staying within your recommended calorie intake.
  • 改善情绪和心理健康: A balanced diet rich in whole foods has been linked to better mental health. 所以把含糖零食换成新鲜的水果和蔬菜吧, 你会感觉更快乐,更有活力.


1. 新鲜美味的夏季沙拉

夏天是吃新鲜、营养丰富的沙拉的理想季节. Enjoy these delicious recipes using seasonal produce and unique flavors for healthy, 令人满意的食物.

  • 西瓜羊乳酪沙拉: 多汁的西瓜、浓郁的菲达奶酪和新鲜的薄荷混合而成. This salad is hydrating, provides antioxidants, and is rich in vitamins A and C.
  • 藜麦牛油果沙拉: Packed with protein-rich quinoa, creamy avocado, cherry tomatoes, and a zesty lime vinaigrette. 这道菜有助于肌肉修复,并提供有益心脏健康的脂肪.
  • 浆果菠菜沙拉: Combine fresh spinach, mixed berries, wal坚果, and a light balsamic dressing. It offers a boost of antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids for a healthy heart and digestion.

2. 创意和营养烧烤选择

没有烤架就没有一个完整的夏天! Try these healthy and flavorful grilled dishes at your next backyard gathering or family dinner.

  • 烤三文鱼串: 将新鲜鲑鱼切成小块,用混合橄榄油腌制, 柠檬汁, 大蒜, 还有百里香和迷迭香之类的草药. 与青椒等蔬菜串在一起, 洋葱, 还有圣女果,美味又营养.
  • 烤蔬菜串: Use a variety of seasonal vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes. Brush with 橄榄油 and sprinkle with your favorite herbs before grilling for a colorful and healthy side dish.
  • 烤柠檬香草鸡: 用柠檬汁的混合物腌鸡胸肉, 橄榄油, 切碎的大蒜, 还有牛至和罗勒之类的香草. Grill until fully cooked and serve with grilled vegetables for a well-rounded meal.

3. 清爽营养的夏日饮品

Stay hydrated this summer with these delicious drink options that offer flavor without excess sugar or calories.

  • 柠檬薄荷冰茶: 冲泡你最喜欢的茶,放进冰箱冷藏. Add fresh lemon slices, a few sprigs of mint, and ice for a refreshing and antioxidant-rich beverage.
  • 自制水果泡水: 切碎你最喜欢的水果,比如草莓, 橙子, or cucumbers and add them to a pitcher of water along with some herbs like basil or rosemary. 在享用之前,将其放入冰箱浸泡几个小时.
  • 绿色奶昔: 混合菠菜, 冷冻水果,比如浆果或香蕉, 杏仁奶, 再来一勺蛋白粉,这是一份充满活力和营养的饮料.


  • 使用天然甜味剂: 用蜂蜜、枫糖浆或龙舌兰糖浆代替糖. These natural options have a lower glycemic index and offer additional nutrients.
  • 加入新鲜水果: 在饮料中加入浆果之类的水果, 桃子, 或者用甜瓜来添加天然的甜味,而不需要额外的糖.
  • 选择不加糖的茶: Choose unsweetened tea bases and add just a hint of a natural sweetener if necessary.
  • 使用香草和香料: Mint, basil, ginger, and cinnamon can enhance flavor naturally without adding sugar.

4. 健康的甜点,甜蜜的结尾

Indulge in a sweet treat without guilt with these wholesome dessert options that offer both flavor and nutrition.

  • 水果冰棒: 把你最喜欢的水果打成泥, 将它们与椰子水或果汁混合, and pour them into popsicle molds for a refreshing and vitamin-packed summer treat.
  • 冷冻酸奶皮: 将原味希腊酸奶涂在烤盘上,并在上面放上新鲜水果, 坚果, 再撒上一点黑巧克力片. Freeze until firm, then break into pieces for an easy and refreshing summer treat.
  • 鳄梨巧克力慕斯: 混合牛油果, 可可粉, and a natural sweetener like honey or dates for a creamy and nutritious chocolate treat. 上面放上新鲜的浆果,增加风味和营养.

5. 尝试葡萄牙风味

在这个夏天享受葡萄牙美食的活力! 发现美味和营养的菜肴,用新鲜的食材. 请查看我们的博客  葡萄牙五大营养食谱 非常适合夏天.

  • Bacalhau和Gomes de Sa: A traditional and hearty dish made with salted cod, potatoes, 洋葱, and eggs. 这顿饭提供蛋白质、健康脂肪和纤维.
  • Sardinhas Assadas: 用橄榄油调味的烤沙丁鱼, 大蒜, 香料提供对心脏有益的omega-3脂肪酸.
  • 翡翠汤: A comforting soup made with kale or collard greens, potatoes, and linguica sausage. 富含维生素和矿物质,是一顿营养丰富的夏日大餐.


  • 提前计划: 在去杂货店之前, prepare a list of healthy and nutritious recipes you want to meal prep for the week.
  • 选择天然食品: Opt for whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
  • 保持水分: 每天多喝水以保持体内水分. Stay away from sugary drinks that can add extra calories without providing any nutrients.
  • 加入时令农产品: Take advantage of fresh and flavorful summer produce from the local farmers market in your meals for added taste and nutrients.
  • 实践节制: 享受一些你最喜欢的夏日美食是可以的, but remember to practice moderation and balance it out with nutritious options.
  • 保持活跃: 趁着天气暖和,多在户外活动. 去远足,骑自行车,或者尝试一种新的户外健身课程. Staying physically active is important for both physical and mental health.

为更健康的生活方式做好准备? 联系主要的护理!

与 these nutritious summer recipes, eating healthy has never tasted so good. 与 主要的护理 作为你的健康伙伴, we hope this summer is full of delicious and nutritious meals for you and your loved ones.

如果你想让他们的健康之旅更进一步,考虑我们的  减肥计划. 联络我们至 安排约会 了解更多澳门金沙手机官方网址如何帮助您实现健康目标的信息.
